Spinach can be served in many different ways. It can be sauteed. It can be eaten raw. It can be used in a smoothie. It can even be creamed. That’s exactly what I am going to offer you. Yes. Creamed Spinach.
I love Creamed Spinach. It is best to eat it while hot because that is when it melts in your mouth. I enjoy making Creamed Spinach because I like to experiment with many different dishes. I often get bored easily, if I don’t shake things up in my kitchen.

The one thing I know I will always have in my refrigerator is spinach. I go to the supermarket and I get a big container for about five dollars. I love to buy organic spinach. There are certain items that I have gotten so used to buying organic, that I immediately grab for organic, without even thinking about it. Sure, You will pay a dollar or two more, but isn’t our health worth it? I know mine is. I am banking on you too, that there are just some things you do not mind paying an extra dollar for to eat cleaner.

I like to make quick and easy dishes. Not just for myself, but for you too. I love spending time in my kitchen. It is one of my favorite places to hang out, but I have a life outside of cooking. I enjoy other activities too. I love visiting different Farmer’s Markets and going to nurseries and buying basil plants and anything else that might catch my eye. I also enjoy going to venues that have food trucks and lots of people who are foodies, like me, enjoying the many samples of food.
You cannot mess up a Creamed Spinach recipe. It can be made in minutes and is sure to be a family favorite. So Go Ahead, Get Creamy with your Spinach!
This is a good standard recipe. It’s what I generally use. I like to jack this up with a good portion of vegetable cream-cheese. On a tangent, I have found that the best flavored cream cheeses are the “house brands” over the “name brands”. This could be just my opinion though.