Chicken Salad

My dad makes the best Chicken Salad! It was always my favorite lunch or go-to snack with crackers or as a sandwich. Then, when I went off to college and came home on the weekends, it was usually already made and awaiting my arrival. How sweet of my dad right?  

Now that I am an adult and live hours away from my dad, I can still taste his Chicken Salad. However, I have finally made one that is very similar to his. He used celery, but I like to use green onions in my Chicken Salad. 

Chicken Salad

Recipe by Madison Amara
3.5 from 27 votes
Course: Appetizers, Main, Lunch, DinnerDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time




  • 3 large chicken breasts, cooked and shredded

  • 1/4 cup green onion, finely chopped

  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise

  • 1 teaspoon granulated sugar

  • Salt and black pepper, to taste


  • In a small bowl, mix mayonnaise, sugar, salt and black pepper, to taste.
  • Add mayonnaise mixture to shredded chicken. Add green onion. Mix well.
  • Next, chill for 15 minutes.
  • Finally, Serve and Enjoy with crackers or on a sandwich.


  • You may substitute chopped celery for green onion.

Green onions, also known as scallions, have a distinct taste. People often think green onions and scallions are not the same. They are interchangeable. While my dad used celery, I like green onions because celery can be somewhat chunky. I find that I have to be in the mood for chunkiness. Of course, if my dad made me a batch right now, I would happily eat the entire container.

If you are counting calories, then go easy on the mayonnaise.  Mayonnaise can steer a diet plan of course even in chicken salad.  I use just enough, but never too much because I do watch what I eat. I do not like my chicken salad to be oversaturated with mayonnaise. It would be too wet and good chicken would be ruined.

Chicken Salad is one of the easiest dishes you can make. I tend to shred my chicken once I cook it. I am quirky like that. I do not like chicken chunks in my chicken salad. No chunky chicken salad for me. I use my kitchen scissors and it takes no time at all to shred the cooked and cooled chicken. After, I mix the mayonnaise, pepper, salt, and sugar and add the mixture to the shredded chicken. Next, I add the green onion and stir everything together. I place the chicken salad in the refrigerator to chill for about a half-hour. When it is time to eat, I grab my crackers or a slice of bread and visualize my dad making his Chicken Salad version for me. Enjoy this Dish and Keep it Light!

3 thoughts on “Chicken Salad”

  1. This is a simple and simple-minded recipe. I prefer the addition of finely diced celery plus the scallions. But why the sugar with our outrageous American level of diabetes???Sugar does not enhance the taste at all, and only contributes to sugar addiction! There is nothing complicated here, and you do not need to refrigerate it for 30 minutes prior to serving.

  2. Ditto on the sugar…DROP IT ! Not needed at all. If you want a “fancy” version, try dried cranberries, grapes, and walnuts. I then use a bit of green sea salt, (or even less regular Kosher/sea salt). Shredding not necessary if you have a food processor…just a small zip, and shredded nicely, no chunks.

  3. I guess I am just a softy after losing my dad at 15. I love this story and I love the recipe-how bad can one teaspoons of sugar hurt. This was always for his precious daughter. Let’s not get technical on this one.

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