My Oh My! Who wants to try some Good Ole’ Sweet Potato Pie? I can truly attest that this pie is definitely the best. So, just make it yourself and put it to the test. Trust me. You will barely finish one slice, while reaching for slice two and while I’m not Dr. Seuss, your palate will Thank you!
OK. In all seriousness, this Sweet Potato Pie is absolutely one of my favorite pies to make. It is an easy pie to bake and oh so sweet and delicious. And, sweet potatoes are the best in the early winter. I find it rather fascinating that this vegetable comes packed with many nutrients.
Sweet potatoes can be served numerous ways. I like to stick a few in the oven when I am preparing food to have for later in the week. All I have to do is heat and eat. I add a dash of cinnamon and some unsalted butter and enjoy every bite. I figured if I am roasting the sweet potatoes in the oven for the pie, I need to work smarter and not harder right? Food prepping is essential for my busy schedule.

If I could eat pie all day, then of course I would, but I tend to make pie for special occasions and the holidays are always a good reason for pie. I even make sweet potato fries. I experiment with them too. Sometimes I want my sweet potatoes fries sweet and sometimes I want them savory.
My mom and both my grandmothers boiled their sweet potatoes to make their pies and they were super good. I learned from researching boiled versus roasted sweet potatoes that there are benefits in both. It truly is what you desire and what you prefer. They seem a lot sweeter to me when they are roasted and I use a little less sugar as a result.
I also use a store bought crust. The one I buy tastes almost like homemade and I keep extra crusts in my freezer just in case that particular store decides to stop selling that product. Little tips like this one can save you a lot of time and allow you invaluable time spent with your family and friends instead of feeling overwhelmed with all of the food preparations, especially for the holidays.

Pie can be made a couple days in advance. I remember my mom always made her desserts first before cooking the big meal. She allowed my sister and me to consume a slice or two or three of her sweet potato pie, so that we could serve as her taste testers. Those were the days. We never thought about calories because of course, we were kids. We burned it off so easily. She knew who to generously serve the calories.

In my Dr. Seuss voice: I hope that you make this Yummy NOT Crumbly, Sweet Potato Pie and you just might ask why? Well, how will you know it’s not easy and delicious unless you try? Come on! Have a slice, maybe two, three or four! And, if you make extras, there’s always More! Happy Pie Eating!